Wednesday 29 February, 2012

Cardio Burn Circuit

Today’s Circuit we incorporate interval training to our workout. This workout is all about burning calories!

Allow 30 second rest between each exercise. Once circuit is completed, rest for 2 minutes. Repeat for a total of 2-3 circuits. Beginners complete circuit and use modifications when neccesary!

Level: Intermediate

Inchworm pushup

Starting in standing position, feet hips width apart, bending at the hips slowly lower your upper to the ground to where your palms are touching the floor but keeping your legs as straight as possible. Slowly walk your hands to pushup position. Lower your body almost chin touching the ground. Pushing through your palms, lift your body back up to pushup position and walk your hands back and slowly lift your body up to standing.

Modification: Perform only the pushup and workout your way up to inchworm

8-10 Reps


Position yourself on the ground as if doing crunches. Lift feet to a table top position, engage abs, crunching up as if doing a situp, keeping shoulders off the ground, meet your right shoulder to left knee while extending right foot out. Alternate to left shoulder to right knee and extend left leg keeping abs engaged.


25-30 reps


With hands or forearms on the ground shoulder width apart, extend legs as if in pushup position. Hold position for 30 seconds while squeezing your butt tight while keeping straight alignment from head to feet.

Hold for 30 seconds (Really feeling strong? Hold for a full minute)

Squat Jumps

Stand in upright position with legs hips width apart and arms at your side. Squat to the ground, reach your arms to the floor to hold your body weight and push your legs out to a plank position. Jump back to a squat and return to standing position.

20-25 reps

Front Lunge With Side Rotation

Starting in standing position with feet hips width apart, take a large step forward with right foot and bend left knee to the ground while right leg is bent to about a 90 degree angle. Twist torso to the right, then return to center. Return to starting position.

10 reps each leg

Modification: Torso rotation is optional. Perform exercise with front lunge only and work yourself up to the side rotation.

Jump Rope

Pretend your a kid and have fun. Use a jump rope if you have one, otherwise, it’s okay to pretend. Keep elbows close to your side and rotate forearms in a small circle.

30-50 Jumps


Bosu Jab Cross Sit Ups

Sitting with butt on the edge of Bosu and hands guarding your face, lower body back, engage abs and lift body back to starting postion. With left fist punch (jab) across body and quickly retract back and with more force from core, with right hand punch (Cross) across body.

20 reps

This workout is from my own personal fitness journal. Please use your discretion and only do what is safe for you. Safety first!

Top Searches That Lead to this Page:

    Squat Jumps,inchworm with push up,inchworm pushups,Kids INchworm exercise,push up instanding position,touching feet exercise

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  • Jenn Hurston

    This seriously kicked my butt. I LOVE it!

    • Pretty Fit Chick Nicole

      Happy to kick your butt, Jenn!! lol